How to cheat and get away with it

Did you ever cheat in OGame

I've added a little poll here, and I'm eager to see the results after a few days. So the question is: do you cheat in OGame or not? How many of you cheaters are there?
And yeah, I said how many of you, not how many of us. Despite the fact that I'm getting better and better at this, I still play fair; I do have a multiaccount though but it's 3 galaxies away and there was no contact so far - I just wanna be prepared if the day comes.
When did you start to cheat and why? Did my site help? You ever got banned? Share your experience.


  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    i use proxy server as you described and still not baned :D thx

  2. Anonymous12:01 AM

    31% cheaters? Why you people cheat so much I don't understand - you will only ruin the game. Whats the fun in cheating???

  3. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I pose to you a counter question: you say why cheat? i say, why shouldn't i cheat when i spend 3 real months building a safe, quiet peaceful, well developed planet, only to have all of my work, crushed, stomped and destroyed because somebody who just happened to be playing for a longer period of time needed some extra resources i just happened to have because i was saving up for a shield? so i cheat, and i hope to one day meat your non cheating planet so i can visit the same justice on you. maybe then you'll understand.

  4. Anonymous11:11 PM

    why cheat?
    i am 1st without cheating.
    it is not difficult just require lots of time ..

  5. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I think cheating is a bunch of crap but... I am looking for a cheat that alows me to use all the extra benefits such as ogame comander. I am not willing to buy that shit so if anyone can help please email me at

  6. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Just reading this post above:

    I pose to you a counter question: you say why cheat? i say, why shouldn't i cheat when i spend 3 real months building a safe, quiet peaceful, well developed planet, only to have all of my work, crushed, stomped and destroyed because somebody who just happened to be playing for a longer period of time needed some extra resources i just happened to have because i was saving up for a shield? so i cheat, and i hope to one day meat your non cheating planet so i can visit the same justice on you. maybe then you'll understand. [/quote]

    You are a n00b!!!! n0000bbbb!!!

    learn to fleetsave and res save, you cheat and you are still shit... go and quit you fucking b00n!!


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